据Port Strategy报道,来自秘鲁利马的一位高级主管证实,中远海运港口于2019年10月份提交了一份修订后的环境影响研究报告之后,其投资的钱凯港项目工作预计将于2020年4月开始。
CSP首席执行官卡洛斯·特哈达(Carlos Tejada)表示:“我们可以预期政府会在2020年2月批准该项目。”中远海运港口计划在2020年4月之前进行钱凯港口的第一阶段建设,该阶段的总投资为1300万美元,水深16米。他补充说,该项目将推动“一带一路”倡议,以促进中国和秘鲁以及南美西海岸其他地区之间的运输联系的改善。
It was only in May of this year that Shanghai-based Cosco acquired a 60% stake in the port from Volcan, a Peruvian mining company that exports zinc, lead and silver. Together the two companies now intend to build the four berth US$3bn port facility some 58 km north of Lima, where it will compete with DP World Callao and AP Moeller Callao.
The new environmental impact study is being modified to include a tunnel, and an increase to four terminals compared to one in the original project. The companies are advancing all relevant permitting simultaneously and don’t expect delays, according to Tejada, adding: “Our vision is to convert this port into a Pacific coast hub, bring cargo directly from Asia and then distribute it around the region.”
As if to emphasize the importance of the Peruvian-Chinese connections, the President of Peru, Martin Vizcarra, attended the Chancy Project Official Transfer Ceremony earlier this year and extolled its virtues.
Mr Vizcarra said, “The signing of the closing certificate by companies from Peru and China is a milestone. The companies from China and Peru jointly invested and developed the Chancay Project, which laid a solid foundation for Peruvian economic development, as well as trade cooperation between China and Peru.
“The construction of the Port of Chancay will contribute to the regional development and we expect to develop Port of Chancay into one of the most important hub ports in South America and logistics center near the Pacific Coast, which will promote the regional trade and the trade between China and the Latin America.”