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达飞即将开通中美洲西海岸海运专线 CMA CGM Maya Service

作者:      发布时间:2024-12-10

Maya Service CMA CGM

我们很高兴地宣布,全新航线Maya Service即将投入运营。该航线为周班服务,专门服务中美洲西海岸地区,完全由达飞运营。新开航线的举措顺应了该地区的市场动态,旨在解决当地近期面临的困难,同时体现了达飞致力于提供高品质服务及支持客户业务增长的决心。

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new weekly service, Maya Service, dedicated to West Coast Central America and totally operated by CMA CGM. This initiative aligns with market dynamics in the region and difficulties faced lately. It affirms CMA CGM's commitment to delivering high-quality service and supporting the growth of your business. 


线特点  Service Highlights 

挂靠港序:拉萨罗卡德纳斯 – 卡尔德拉 – 科林托 – 阿卡胡特拉 – 夸特扎尔 – 拉萨罗卡德纳斯

Rotation: Lazaro Cardenas - Puerto Caldera – Corinto -Acajutla – Puerto Quetzal – Lazaro Cardenas 


可靠性:由达飞运营的两艘专线船(“CMA CGM SURABAYA”轮和“MAGDALENA SCHULTE”轮)组成船队,提供周班直航环线服务

Reliability: Direct weekly service cycling with a fleet of 2 dedicated ships operated by CMA CGM, the m/v "CMA CGM SURABAYA" and the m/v "MAGDALENA SCHULTE" 



Connections: linking Asia and West Coast Central America via Lazaro Cardenas 


首航出发:首航计划于2025年1月2日出发,将由“CMA CGM SURABAYA”轮执航,航次号0UC01S1MA

Inaugural departure: The first departure of the m/v "CMA CGM SURABAYA" voy. 0UC01S1MA is scheduled for January 2nd, 2025




后续调整  Further Evolutions  


Step 1: From January 2nd to April 10th, 2025, service will operate via Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico. 



Step 2: From April 10th, 2025, the service will operate from Buenaventura, Colombia.




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